Graphic Design Studio


Design Studio


Design Studio

"No graphic ballast"

Excited to connect with you!

I may not have a flashy website with all the bells and whistles, but what I do have is a passion for genuine, one-on-one conversations where we can dive into how I can add value to your projects. Let's chat over a cup of coffee - location doesn't matter, just tell me where you'd like to meet.

And hey, my rates are definitely fair and tailored to the task at hand. We'll work together to find a solution that fits your needs perfectly.

Can't wait to meet you soon!

Best regards, Xavier

Most recent assignment

As a graphic designer, I had the opportunity to work on the annual report for Primary School Calimero. My role involved creating a visually engaging and cohesive layout that effectively communicated there achievements and financial performance over the year 2022.

I focused on incorporating the brand’s colors, typography, and imagery to ensure the report was not only informative but also aesthetically pleasing.

I designed charts that made complex data easily understandable.

The final product was a polished and professional document that reflected  values and successes, making it a valuable tool for stakeholders and investors.

See all projects

My services

I support you from the concept to the actual realization of your project.

Logo & Corporate Identity

Logo and branding design are essential components of a company's identity and marketing strategy.

A logo serves as the visual cornerstone of a brand, encapsulating its essence in a single, recognizable symbol.

Branding design extends beyond the logo, encompassing all visual and experiential elements that represent the company.

Printed media

Print media, commonly remains an influential and versatile form of communication despite the rise of digital alternatives. Encompassing a wide array of materials like books, newspapers, magazines, brochures, and flyers, print media offers a tangible and often aesthetically pleasing way to convey information.

Website design

Web design is the process of creating visually appealing and functional websites that provide a seamless user experience. It encompasses various elements, including layout, color schemes, typography, graphics, and content organization. Effective web design balances aesthetics with usability, ensuring that websites are not only attractive but also easy to navigate.

About my education

Let's talk about your project

If you are interested in sending work-related questions or discussing a project in detail, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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